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سلطة المجتمع على الفرد

مرسل: الاثنين أكتوبر 08, 2012 8:24 pm
بواسطة فهد ماجد80
المدخل: في حدود سلطة المجتمع على الفرد

ليس موضوع هذا البحث الحرية التي تسمى "حرية الإرادة" والتي تقابل لسوء الحظ ما يسمى خطأ بالضرورة الفلسفية، وإنما موضوعه: الحرية والمدنية، أو الاجتماعية، وطبيعة السلطة التي يمارسها المجتمع شرعيا على الأفراد، وحدودها. إنها مسألة قلّ أن عرضت، وندر أن بحثت بشكل عام، ولكنها مع ذلك ذات أثر عميق في مشاكل هذا العصر العملية لوجودها الكامن الخفي. واكثر الظن أنها سوف تبرز نفسها قريبا لتعتبر مسألة المستقبل الحيوية. إنها أبعد ما تكون عن الجيدة. ويمكن القول انها منذ أقدم العصور تقريبا قد شطرت العالم. أما في مرحلة التقدم الحالية التي دخلها اكثر أقوام النوع الإنساني حضارة، فإنها تعرض نفسها ضمن شروط جديدة وتتطلب معالجة جديدة وأكثر عمقا.

إن الصراع بين الحرية وبين السلطة أبرز ظاهرة في أقسام التواريخ التي نعرفها، وخاصة تاريخ اليونان وروما وإنكلترا. أما في العصور القديمة فقد كان هذا الصراع بين الرعية أو بعض طبقات الرعية وبين الحكومة، وكان المعنى المفهوم من الحرية الاحتماء من استبداد الحكام السياسيين. فقد كان هؤلاء الحكام (باستثناء بعض حكومات الإغريق الشعبية) يُنظر إليهم وكأنهم بالضرورة في وضع معاد للشعب الذي يحكمون. كان الحكم بيد حاكم فرد، أو بيد قبيلة حاكمة أو سلالة، وكانت سلطتهم آتية عن طريق الإرث أو الفتح، ولم تكن تمارس برضى المحكومين، ولم يكن أحد يجرؤ على منازعة تلك السيادة أو يرغب في ذلك رغم كل الاحتياطات التي كانت تتخذ لاتقاء ضغطها التعسفي. كانت النظرة إلى سلطانهم أنه ضروري وأنه عظيم الخطر في الوقت نفسه، فهو سلاح قد يحاولون استعماله ضد رعيتهم كما يحاولون استعماله ضد العدو الخارجي. كذلك كان من الضروري، حتى لا يقع الضعاف من أعضاء المجتمع فريسة ينهكها عدد لا يحصى من العقبان، أن يوجد هناك حيوان جارح يكون أقوى من الآخرين يُناط به أمر إخضاعها. ولكن، لما كان ملك العقبان ليس أقل ميلا إلى افتراس الرعية من أي نهاب سلاب آخر، فقد كانت الضرورة تقضي دائما باتخاذ خطة الدفاع ضد مخلبيه ومنقاره. لذلك كان هدف الوطنيين وضع حد للسلطة التي يجب أن يتحمل الحاكم مسؤولية ممارستها على المجتمع، وهذا التحديد هو ما عنوه بالحرية. حاولوا إرساء أسس هذا التحديد بطريقتين: الأولى هي الحصول على اعتراف ببعض الحصانات، تسمى الحريات أو الحقوق السياسية، كان انتهاكها من قبل الحاكم يعتبر إخلالا بواجبه، فإذا اقدم على انتهاكها كان في عمله ما يبرر المقاومة الخاصة أو الثورة الشاملة؛ أما الطريقة الثانية التي ظهرت بعد الأولى فكانت إقامة ضوابط دستورية بموجبها أصبحت موافقة المجتمع، أو أي هيئة يفترض انها تمثل مصالحه، شرطا لازما في بعض الإجراءات الهامة التي تريدها السلطة الحاكمة. لقد اضطرت السلطة الحاكمة في معظم البلاد الأوروبية إلى الرضوخ، نوعا ما، للطريقة الأولى. ولكن الحال لم يكن كذلك بالنسبة للطريقة الثانية: إذ أصبح الوصول إلى هذا النوع من التحديد أو إلى إكماله حين يكون جزء منه مؤمنا، اصبح ذلك في كل مكان الغرض الأساسي لمحبي الحرية. ولما اطمأن البشر إلى محاربة عدو بعدو آخر، وقنعوا بأن يُحكَموا من قبل سيد ضمن شروط تؤمن لهم نوعا من الحماية ضد استبداده، فانهم لم يعودوا يعملون ليدفعوا بأمانيهم إلى أبعد من هذه النقطة.

ثم جاء زمن رأى الناس فيه أن ليس من ضرورة طبيعية أن يكّون حكامهم سلطة مستقلة، تتعارض مصالحها مع مصالحهم. وبدا لهم أن الأفضل أن يكون أولئك الذين يستلمون شؤون الدولة وكلاء أو مندوبين عنهم يعزلونهم متى شاءوا. وظهر أن هذا هو السبيل الوحيد الذي يعطيهم الضمانة التامة في أن لا يساء استعمال سلطة الحكم في غير صالحهم. هذا الطلب الجديد لحكام ينتخبون انتخابا لمدة مؤقتة أصبح تدريجيا الغرض الرئيسي لأي حزب شعبي أينما وجد حزب من هذا النوع. وأخذ هذا الطلب، إلى حد بعيد، مكان طلب الحد من سلطة الحكام الذي كانت تسعى إليه الجهود السابقة. وفيما كان النضال لجعل السلطة الحاكمة تنبثق عن انتخاب دوري من قبل المحكومين يسير في وجهته، أخذ بعض الناس يفكرون بأن الأهمية التي علقوها على مسألة تحديد السلطة نفسها كانت أكثر من اللازم، وان المسألة نفسها يمكن أن تكون مأخذا يؤخذ ضد الحكام الذين كانت مصالحهم عادة متضاربة مع مصالح الشعب. فما هو مطلوب الآن هو أن يكون الحكام متجاوبين مع الأمة وأن تكون مصالحهم وإرادتهم مصلحة الأمة وإرادتها. لن تحتاج الأمة إلى حماية من إرادتها الذاتية، وليس هناك خوف من أن تستبد بنفسها. ليكن الحكام مسؤولين عنها بطريقة مثمرة، وليكونوا عرضة للعزل من قِبَلِها، وعندها يمكن أن تمنحهم سلطات تستطيع هي أن تفرض أين يجب أن تُستعمل. وسلطتهم عندئذ ليست شيئا آخر سوى سلطة الأمة، وقد تمركزت بطريقة صالحة للتنفيذ.

أن هذا الأسلوب في التفكير، أو بالأحرى في الشعور، كان شائعا بين الأجيال الأخيرة من أحرار أوروبا، ولا يزال شائعا فيها حتى الآن كما يظهر. ويبقى أولئك الذين يقبلون فرض أي حد على ما يمكن أن تفعله الحكومة (إلا في حالة الحكومات التي يعتقدون أنها يجب أن لا توجد) يبقون قلة لامعين بين مفكري أوروبا السياسيين. إن أسلوبا في الشعور مماثلا لما ذكرت كان من الممكن أن يكون سائدا في بلادنا نفسها في هذا الوقت لو أن الظروف التي شجعته فترة من الزمن بقيت ولم تتبدل.

بيد أن النجاح في النظريات الفلسفية والسياسية، وفي الأشخاص أيضا يكشف عن عيوب وخطيئات قد يخفيها الفشل عن عين الملاحظ. فالرأي القائل بأن الشعب لا يحتاج إلى تحديد سلطته على نفسه قد يبدو حقيقة بديهية حين تكون الحكومة الشعبية مجرد حلم، أو مجرد شيء تقرأ عنه على أنه حدث في الماضي البعيد. ولم يتضايق هذا الرأي بما حدث من انحرافات مؤقتة كانحرافات الثورة الفرنسية التي جاء أسوأ ما فيها عن عمل قلة مغتصبة، والتي لم تكن في أي حال ناجمة عن عمل ثابت لمؤسسات شعبية بل عن ثورة فجائية اضطرابية قامت ضد استبداد الملك والطبقة الأرستقراطية. ولكن قامت مع الزمن جمهورية ديمقراطية احتلت حيزا واسعا من سطح الكرة الأرضية وأثبتت وجودها كواحدة من أقوى أعضاء مجموعة الأمم، وبذلك وضعت حكومة منتخبة ومسؤولة موضع الانتقادات والملاحظات التي تنتظر حقيقة واقعية كبرى. وقد تبين عندئذ ان عبارات مثل "الحكم الذاتي" و"سلطة الشعب على نفسه" لا تعبر عن حقيقة الوضع الراهن. فـ "الشعب" الذي يمارس السلطة ليس دائما نفس الشعب الذي يخضع لها، و"الحكم الذاتي" الذي يتحدث عنه ليس حكم كل فرد من قبل نفسه بل حكم كل فرد من قبل كل الآخرين. وإرادة الشعب، إضافة إلى ذلك، إنما تعني عمليا إرادة العدد الأكبر أو إرادة الجزء الأكثر نشاطا من الشعب (إرادة الأكثرية)، أو أولئك الذين ينجحون في جعل أنفسهم مقبولين على أنهم الأكثرية. فقد يجوز بنتيجة ذلك أن يرغب الشعب في اضطهاد قسم من أفراده. وهنا يصبح من الضروري أن يُتخذ ضد هذا الأمر من الاحتياطات ما يُتخذ ضد أي نوع آخر من سوء استعمال السلطة وعليه تحديد سلطة الحكومة على الأفراد لا يفقد شيئا من أهميته عندما يكون القابضون على زمام السلطة مسؤولين بانتظام أمام المجتمع، أي أمام أقوى حزب فيه. وإن وجهة النظر هذه التي استساغتها على السواء عقلية المفكرين وميول الطبقات الهامة في المجتمع الأوروبي التي تتعارض مصالحها الحقيقية أو المفروضة مع الديمقراطية، لم تلاق صعوبة في تثبيت نفسها. وأصبح التفكير السياسي عامة يشمل مسألة "استبداد الأكثرية" في عداد الشرور التي يجب على المجتمع أن يظل على حذر منها.

كان أكثر الناس ولا يزالون يخشون طغيان الأكثرية كما يخشون سائر أنواع الطغيان الأخرى، وذلك لأنه ينفّذ في الغالب عن طريق إجراءات السلطات العامة. ولكن رجال الفكر يرون أن المجتمع حين يكون هو نفسه الطاغية (أي حين يكون المجتمع بجملته ضد الأفراد) فان ذلك يعني أن أساليب طغيانه لا تنحصر بالإجراءات التي يمكن أن ينفذها عن طريق موظفيه السياسيين. إن المجتمع قادر على إصدار الأوامر وعلى تنفيذها بنفسه. فإذا أصدر أوامر خاطئة بدلا من الصحيحة، أو إن أصدر أوامر في شؤون يجب أن لا يتدخل فيها، فإنه يمارس بذلك طغيانا اجتماعيا هو أشد عتوا من كثير من ألوان الاضطهاد السياسي لأنه، وإن لم تدعمه عادة عقوبات شديدة، فان وسائل النجاة التي يتركها قليلة، وهو ينفذ إلى الصميم في كثير من نواحي الحياة، ويستعبد الروح ذاتها. لهذا كان الاحتماء من طغيان الحكام غير كاف، وكان لا بد من حماية ضد طغيان الآراء والمشاعر الشائعة، وضد ميل المجتمع لان يفرض (دون اللجوء إلى العقوبات المدنية) آراءه الخاصة وطقوسه كقواعد للسلوك، يفرضها حتى على أولئك الذين لا يوافقون عليها، ليكبل النمو والتطور، ويمنع إن أمكن تكوين أي شخصية فردية لا تكون منسجمة مع طرقه، ويجبر كل الطبائع على تكييف نفسها طبق أنموذج من صنعه هو. إن هنالك حدا للتدخل المشروع في استقلال الفرد من قبل الرأي الجماعي. وإن إيجاد ذلك الحد وصيانته من التجاوز أو الاعتداء عليه لازم لحسن سلامة شؤون الناس لزوم الاحتماء من الاستبداد السياسي.

ولكن لئن كان من غير المتوقع أن تناقش هذه القضية بصورة عامة. فإن السؤال العملي: أين يجب وضع الحد، وكيف يمكن تحقيق التوفيق المناسب بين الاستقلال الفردي وبين السيطرة الاجتماعية؟ هذا السؤال يبقى الموضوع الذي عليه يتوقف كل شيء تقريبا.

إن كل ما يجعل للوجود قيمة في نظر أي شخص مرتكز على تنفيذ الضوابط التي تضبط أفعال الآخرين. فيجب إذن فرض بعض قواعد للسلوك عن طريق القانون أولا، ثم عن طريق الرأي العام في الأشياء الكثيرة التي لا تكون قابلة للإجراءات القانونية. أما ما هي هذه القيود اللازمة، فهذا هو السؤال الرئيسي في شؤون البشر.

إننا إذا استثنينا بعض المسائل الواضحة جدا، فان السؤال السابق يبقى بين المسائل التي لم يصل السعي وراء حل لها إلا إلى قدر ضئيل من التقدم. فلم يُعطِ عصران أو بلدان حلا واحدا له. لا بل إن الحل الذي قال به عصر أو بلد كان موضع استغراب الآخر وتعجبه. ومع كل ذلك فان الناس في أي عصر أو بلد لم يعودوا يرتابون بوجود أي صعوبة فيه، وكأنه موضوع كان الناس متفقين دائما حوله. والقواعد يجري بها العرف بينهم تبدو لهم جلية في حد ذاتها، ولا تحتاج إلى تبرير. إن هذا الوهم العام ليس إلا واحدا من الأمثلة على التأثير السحري للعرف، هذا العرف الذي يؤخذ لا على انه، كما يقول المثل، طبيعة ثانية فقط، بل يؤخذ دائما وخطأ على أنه طبيعة أولى. إن أثر هذا العرف في إزالة أي شك يمكن أن يعلق في نفوس الناس بشأن قواعد الأخلاق التي يفرضها الناس بعضهم على بعض هو في ازدياد مستمر لأن الموضوع أمر لا يوجد بشأنه اتفاق عام بأنه يحتاج إلى تبرير، لا من قِبَل شخص نحو الآخرين، ولا من قِبَل شخص نحو نفسه. فقد اعتاد الناس أن يعتقدوا أن مشاعرهم حول موضوعات من هذا النوع هي أفضل من الأسباب، وانها تجعل التعليل غير ضروري، وقد شجعهم على هذا الاعتقاد جماعة يطمحون في أن يكونوا بين الفلاسفة. والمبدأ العملي الذي يرشد هؤلاء الناس إلى آرائهم في تنظيم السلوك البشري هو الشعور الموجود في رأس كل منهم بأن على الجميع أن يفعلوا كما يريدهم هو ومن على شاكلته أن يفعلوا.

لا يعترف أحد في الواقع أمام نفسه أن مقياسه في الأحكام مبني على ما يحب ويرغب، ولكن الرأي الذي يُعطى في مسألة مسلكية ولا يكون مشفوعا بالأسباب لا يعدو كونه تفضيلا شخصيا. فإذا ذُكرت الأسباب ولم تكن شيئا آخر سوى تفضيلا مماثلا شعر به آخرون، بقي الأمر مجرد رغبة أناس كثيرين بدلا من واحد. إن هذا التفضيل الشخصي الذي يؤيده بهذه الطريقة تفضيل الآخرين ليس سببا كافيا وكاملا فحسب بالنسبة للشخص العادي، بل إنه السبب الوحيد عنده الذي به يبرر عادة أيا من آرائه في الأخلاق، أو الذوق، أو اللياقة حين لا تكون هذه الآراء مكتوبة صراحة في عقيدته الدينية، لا بل إنه أيضا مرشده الرئيسي في تفسيره حتى لتلك العقيدة. وهكذا تكون آراء الناس حول ما هو ممدوح أو مذموم متأثرة بكل الأسباب المتنوعة التي تتأثر بها رغباتهم بشأن سلوك الغير، وهي أسباب متعددة بقدر تعدد الأسباب التي تقرر رغباتهم بشأن أي موضوع آخر. فالأسباب تارة عقلهم، وأخرى تحّيزهم أو خرافتهم، وكثيرا ما تكون عواطفهم المحبة للمجتمع أو الكارهة له، أو حسدهم أو غيرتهم، أو غطرستهم أو ازدراؤهم. وأكثر الأسباب شيوعا هي محبتهم لأنفسهم أو خوفهم عليها: أو مصلحتهم الشخصية المشروعة أو غير المشروعة. وحيثما وجدت طبقة عالية فان القسم الأكبر من أخلاق البلاد ينبثق عن مصالح تلك الطبقة وعن شعورها بالتفوق الطبقي. فالأخلاق بين الإسبارطيين وبين الأرقاء، بين المزارعين وبين الزنوج، بين الأمراء وبين الرعية، بين النبلاء وبين مستأجري أراضيهم، بين الرجال وبين النساء؛ هذه الأخلاق كانت في معظمها وليدة تلك المصالح والمشاعر الطبقية. والعواطف التي تتولد بهذه الطريقة يرتد مفعولها على المشاعر الأخلاقية لأعضاء الطبقة العليا في علاقاتهم فيما بينهم، أما حين توجد طبقة كانت سابقا عالية وفقدت تفوقها، أو كان تفوقها غير محبوب، فان العواطف الأخلاقية السائدة عندئذ غالبا ما تحمل معها طابع الكراهية الملحة للتفوق. وهناك مبدأ خطير آخر من المبادئ التي يفرضها القانون أو الرأي العام والتي تحدد قواعد السلوك في الفعل أو في رحابة الصدر، هذا المبدأ هو خنوع البشر تجاه ما يحبه أو ما يكرهه أسيادهم المؤقتون أو أصنامهم. إن هذا الخنوع، الذي هو في الأصل أناني، ليس رياء كله: إنه يثير عواطف أصيلة من المقت والكراهية، وقد دفع البشر إلى إحراق السحرة والمارقين. لقد كان لمصالح المجتمع حتما، العامة منها والواضحة، نصيب، ونصيب كبير، بين تلك العوامل الكثيرة التي عملت في توجيه العواطف الأخلاقية، ولكن ذلك لم يكن بدافع الفكر والعقل، أو بسبب قيمة العواطف نفسها، بقدر ما كان نتيجة التعاطف أو الكراهية الذَين انبثقا عن تلك العواطف نفسها. إن ذلك التعاطف وتلك الكراهية لم تكن لهما أي صلة بمصالح المجتمع، ولكنهما أثبتتا وجودهما كقوتين كبيرتين في إيجاد الفضائل.

هكذا فإن ما يحبه المجتمع وما يكرهه، أو ما يحبه وما يكرهه قسم كبير منه، هو العامل الرئيسي الذي حدد عمليا القواعد التي يجب مراعاتها من قبل الجميع تحت طائلة عقوبة القانون أو الرأي العام. وحين جاء أناس سبقوا المجتمع في التفكير والشعور فانهم بشكل عام تركوا الوضع الراهن دون ان يحملوا عليه من حيث المبدأ، رغما عن أنهم قد يكونوا قد تصادموا معه في بعض التفاصيل. فقد شغلوا أنفسهم ببحث ما يجب على المجتمع أن يحب أو يكره بدلا من البحث فيما إذا كان ما يحبه المجتمع أو يكرهه يجب أن يفرض كقانون على الأفراد. لقد آثروا أن يحاولوا تغيير شعور الناس تجاه النقاط التي كانوا هم أنفسهم يجحدونها بدلا من أن يتضافروا في الدفاع عن الحرية مع عموم الجاحدين. والقضية الوحيدة التي ثابروا فيها على جعل النقاش على مستوى عال وبناء على مبادئ هي قضية العقيدة الدينية: هذه القضية التي ناقشها أشخاص هنا وهناك ليست وسيلة تهذيب وتثقيف فحسب، بل هي أيضا مثال واضح على أن ما يَمّس بالحس الأخلاقي ليس معصوما عن الخطأ، لان عنف المشادات الدينية عند الجلّ المتعصب من أوضح الأمثلة على الحس الأخلاقي. إن أولئك الذين كانوا أول من حطم نِيْرَ ما كان يسمى بالكنيسة العالمية لم يكونوا يريدون السماح بوجود خلاف بين الآراء الدينية، شأنهم في ذلك شأن الكنيسة نفسها. ولكن لما برد وطيس المعركة دون أن يفوز أي فريق بانتصار حاسم، واضطرت كل كنيسة أو فرقة دينية إلى تحديد أمانيها إلى حد الاحتفاظ بما نالته من نفوذ، وجدت الأقليات، التي لم يكن لها أمل في أن تصبح أكثرية، نفسها مضطرة إلى أن تطلب ممن لم تكسبهم إلى جانبها أن يسمحوا لها بان تختلف عنهم. وفي هذا الميدان وحده تقريبا أمكن لحقوق الفرد ضد المجتمع أن تثبتت على أسس عامة من المبادئ وظهرت معارضة مكشوفة لادعاء المجتمع بحقه في ممارسة سلطة ضد المنشقين. إن الكّتاب الكبار الذين يدين لهم العالم بالفضل في ما أحرزه من حرية دينية قد أكدوا أن حرية الضمير حق لا يُقهر واستنكروا بشكل قاطع أن يكون الشخص مسؤولا أمام الآخرين عن عقيدته الدينية. إلا ان عدَم التسامح من طبيعة البشر في كل ما يهمهم حقيقةٌ، ولم تتحقق الحرية الدينية بصورة عملية في أي مكان إلا حيث دعمتها اللامبالاة الدينية التي تكره أن تُعكّر صفوها المنازعات اللاهوتية. ان عقل جميع المتدينين، حتى في اكثر البلاد تسامحا، يقر واجب التسامح ولكن مع تحفظات ضمنية. فقد يقبل شخص الاختلاف في شؤون حكم الكنيسة، ولكن لا في تعاليمها المقررة، وقد يتقبل آخر كل شخص عدا البابوي أو الموحِّد، وقد يتقبل ثالث كل من يؤمن بدين مُنزَل، وقد يوسع بعضهم حدود التسامح ولكنهم يقفون عند تحد الإيمان بالله والحياة الأخرى. اما حيث لا تزال عاطفة الأكثرية أصيلة وشديدة فإننا نجد أنها لم تخفف شيئا يذكر من غلوها في وجوب إطاعتها.

إن وطأة الرأي العام في إنكلترا أشد مما هي في اكثر بلاد أوروبا، على الرغم من أن وطأة القانون قد تكون أخف، وما ذلك إلا بسبب الظروف الخاصة لتاريخ إنكلترا السياسي. فهناك قلق بالغ من جراء التدخل المباشر في سلوك الفرد من قبل السلطة التشريعية أو السلطة التنفيذية، ولا يأتي ذلك عن مجرد الغيرة على استقلال الفرد بقدر ما يأتي عن العادة المستحكمة في النظر إلى الحكومة على انها تمثل مصلحة أخرى معارضة لمصلحة الشعب. فالأكثرية لم تتعلم بعد أن تشعر بأن سلطة الحكومة سلطتها، وآراءها آراؤها. ومتى تعلمت الأكثرية ذلك، فالأرجح أن تتعرض الحرية لغزو الحكومة بقدر ما هي معرضة الآن لغزو الرأي العام. ولكن لا يزال هناك قدر محترم من الشعور على استعداد للقيام ضد أية محاولة من قبل القانون للسيطرة على الأفراد في شؤون لم يسبق لهم أن تعودوا على سيطرة القانون فيها. وذلك بغض النظر عما إذا كان الأمر يدخل في نطاق سيطرة القانون المشروعة أو لا يدخل. إن هذا الشعور السليم بمجمله قد يكون أحيانا في غير محله. وليس هناك في الواقع أي مبدأ معترف به لقياس ملائمة أو عدم ملائمة التدخل الحكومي، وإنما يقرر الناس ذلك وفقا لأهوائهم الشخصية. فمنهم من يهيب بالحكومة إلى التدخل والعمل كلما رأى خيرا يجب فعله أو شرا يجب معالجته وتلافيه، بينما يفضل غيرهم أن يتحملوا أي مقدار كان من الشر الاجتماعي على أن يضيفوا إلى مصالح الناس التي تُخضع للسيطرة الحكومية مصالح أخرى. والناس يأخذون هذا الجانب أو ذاك في أي قضية وفق التوجيه العام لعواطفهم، أو وفقا لمقدار اهتمامهم بالأمر الذي يقترح أن تقوم به الحكومة، أو وفقا لاعتقادهم بأن الحكومة، سوف تؤديه أو لن تؤديه بالطريقة التي يفضلونها، ولكن قَلّ أن يكون أخذهم هذا الجانب أو ذاك بناء على رأي يتمسكون به حول الأمور التي يكون من المناسب أن تقوم بها الحكومة. وبناء على عدم وجود أي مبدأ أو قاعدة، يلوح لي ان كلا من الجانبين يخطئ الآخر، وأن تدخل الحكومة يتعادل فيه عدد المرات التي يساء فيها ابتغاؤه وعدد المرات التي يساء فيها استنكاره.

إن غرض هذا البحث هو تأكيد مبدأ بسيط جدا جدير بأن ينظم معاملات المجتمع مع الفرد من حيث الإكراه والسيطرة، أكانت الأساليب المستعملة قوة مادية على شكل عقوبات قانونية أم كانت الضغط المعنوي للرأي العام. إن ذلك المبدأ هو أن الغاية الوحيدة التي تجيز للبشر، أفرادا كانوا أم جماعة، أن يتدخلوا في حرية أفعال أي واحد منهم إنما هي حماية الذات. أي إن الغرض الوحيد الذي من أجله يمكن ممارسة السلطة بحق في أي مجتمع متمدن على عضو منه رغم إرادته إنما هو دفع الأذى عن الغير. فلا يكفي أن يكون الهدف الخير الخاص للعضو، ماديا كان هذا الخير أم معنويا. ولا يجوز عدلا إرغامه على القيام بأمر أو على الامتناع عنه لأن ذلك خير له، أو لأن ذلك يجعله أسعد حالا، أو لأن الآخرين يرون أن من الحكمة والصواب فعل ذلك، إن هذه الأسباب كلها وجيهة، تنفع في التباحث معه، أو المناقشة معه، أو في إقناعه، أو في رجائه، ولكنها لا تبرر إرغامه أو إلحاق الأذى به إن فعل عكس ما يطلب منه. ولا يبرر ذلك إلا الحساب بأن السلوك الذي يقصد إبعاده عنه سوف ينجم عنه ضرر يصيب الغير: فالجزء الوحيد من سلوك أي فرد، الذي يكون مسؤولا عنه تجاه المجتمع، هو ذلك الذي يمس الغير. أما الجزء الذي يمس الشخص وحده فان استقلاله فيه مطلق وحق. فالفرد سيد على نفسه في عقله وفي جسمه.

قد يكون من الضروري أن نقول هنا إن هذا المذهب ينطبق فقط على أفراد النوع الإنساني الذين وصلوا إلى مرحلة النضوج في ملكاتهم. فنحن لا نتكلم في الواقع عن الأطفال أو الأحداث الذين هم دون السن التي يحددها القانون للرجولة أو لنضج النساء. أما الذين لا يزالون بحاجة إلى عناية الغير بهم، فتجب حمايتهم من أفعالهم كما تجب حمايتهم من الأذى الخارجي. كذلك يمكن للسبب نفسه أن نخرج من دائرة اعتباراتنا المجتمعات المتخلفة التي يمكن اعتبار الأقوام التي تؤلفها أقواما قاصرة. فالصعوبات المبكرة التي تعترض سبيل التقدم الذاتي من الخطورة بحيث لا يبقى هناك أي مجال للمفاضلة بين وسائل التغلب عليها. والحاكم المشبَّع بروح الإصلاح يجوز له أن يستعمل أي وسيلة توصله إلى الهدف الذي لا يبلغه بأي من الوسائل الأخرى. إن الاستبداد أسلوب شرعي في حكم البرابرة شريطة أن تكون الغاية تحسين حالهم، وتحقيق تلك الغاية فعلا يبرر تلك الواسطة. والحرية كمبدأ لا مجال لتطبيقها في أي من الحالات التي توجد قبل ذلك الوقت الذي يصبح فيه البشر قادرين على التحسن عن طريق المباحثات الحرة بين أطراف تحققت المساواة بينهم. حتى ذلك الحين لا يكون أمامهم إلا الطاعة لعاهل أو لملك جبار عادل إن أسعفهم حظهم بوجوده. ولكن ما ان يكتسب البشر القدرة على الانصياع إلى الاقتناع أو الإقناع في تحسين أحوالهم (وهذه مرحلة وصلت إليها منذ زمن بعيد كل الأمم التي يهمنا أمرها هنا) حتى يصبح الإكراه في شكله المباشر أو في شكل إيذاء المخالف وعقابه أمرا غير مقبول إذا قُصد استعماله كوسيلة لخيرهم، حتى وإن بقي مسموحا به في حالة ضمان أمن الغير.

من المناسب أن أذكر هنا أني أتنازل عن أي فائدة تدعم حجتي يمكن ان تأتيني من فكرة الحق المجرد كشيء مستقل عن المنفعة. فانا اعتبر المنفعة الملاذ النهائي في كل المسائل الأخلاقية: ولكنها يجب أن تكون المنفعة في أوسع معانيها، القائمة على مصالح الإنسان الدائمة من حيث هو مخلوق تقدمي. إن هذه المصالح كما أراها تسمح بإخضاع الفعل العفوي الفردي للقيد الخارجي في حالة واحدة فقط هي حين تكون أفعال الفرد ماسة بمصالح الآخرين.

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t session (on fifteen% quality asphalt). I was instantly impressed that my foot confirmed nominal movement (heading either up or down) inside of the shoe and appeared to be easily locked in place. The Nike Free of charge Operate+ three transferred my vitality immediately to the street. I liked my very first run so considerably that I made a decision to do an easy afternoon operate as properly. This led to my first disappointment. I seen minor Achilles soreness pursuing the second operate of the working day (something I do not generally knowledge). Upon reflection, Ia??m positive my Pegasus-loving legs werena??Mens Nike Free Run 2 Size 11 Sky Blue Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-111.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black Red Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-79.html
Womens Nike Free Run Gray Yellow Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-302.html
t ready for so significantly time in these minimalist shoes.
When I discovered to relieve into the footwear more gradually, I found only advantages. On another operate, I made the decision to put their slipper-like feel to the test: a sans-socks run in a hundred and five diploma weather. I assumed this would expose the very hot places that have to be hiding within the stitch-cost-free higher. Soon after a amount of sizzling, Phylite-melting miles, I taken out my sweaty ft and was stunned to find not even the slightest rub mark. Ia nike free trainer 5.0 http://nike-free-trainer-5-0.webs.com
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Gray Blue Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-67.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Size 12 Navy Blue White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-124.html
??m offered. Ia??ll be introducing the Nike Cost-free Operate+ three to at the very least one of my weekly velocity workout routines, and I will don them at my next nearby 5K. Possibly Ia??ll commence looking for some new working routes too.

As opposed to most operating sneakers, the Nike Free of charge Operate+ 3 is constructed of only a midsole (the cushion part) and lacks an outsole (the a lot more dense and resilient part). Mens Nike Free 3.0 Black Green Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-184.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black White Blue Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-59.html
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Womens Nike Free Run 2 Pink White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-270.html
??s Phylite content fills both of these roles by getting resilient enough for cushion, but tough adequate to speak to the road, resulting in reduced bodyweight. Designers have placed abrasion-resistant BRS one thousand carbon rubber pads on the large-put on regions of the sole to additional boost sturdiness. Another putting difference in the Nike Free of charge Run+ three sole device is the cuts, or sipes, by way of the sole that give the shoe incredible versatility and enough stability to supply a barefoot-like truly feel. The resulting flex grooves reduce impact shock and can assist proper over-pronation. Diagonal cuts have also been placed together the arch area to enhance versatility and enhance foot toughness. The Nike Free of charge Operate+ three is outfitted with an opening in the midsole to maintain a Nike Plus Chip, which can url to certain iProducts and the Nike sportwatch to transmit and keep running data. The opening doesna??t appear to influence the overall flexibility.

This is the element of a working shoe the place I would most love to have a barefoot-like feel. I like some security on the sole of my foot, but do not want to come to feel the upper digging in anywhere. The Nike Free Run+ 3 higher is safe adequate to keep the foot locked in place, but stretchy and seamless sufficient to give an exceptionally cozy come to feel. The higher is manufactured of Nanoply, which is equally supportive and breathable. Close to the arch and midfoot, Dynamic Suit is used to create an inner sleeve that provides a glove-like in shape. Asymmetrical lacing is also used to url the foot to the shoe, but permit for strain relief on the leading ridge of the foot. All of which direct to a notably unnoticeable suit.

As pointed out above, I was skeptical about attempting working footwear other than my favorite Nike Pegasus even so, following logging some miles in the Nike Free of charge Operate+3a??s I was confident that they could discover a spot in my closet for numerous operates to occur. The shoe is light-weight, flexible, and comfortable. These traits all led to a wonderful operating encounter that remaining me seeking to depart the footwear on for the rest of the day. I would like I could dress in the Nike Free Operate+3a??s on my nearby trails as well, but they arena??t suited for running on even the most groomed gravel trails a?? as they will select up quite a few rocks in the siped soles. Wear them on the monitor or pavement and you will be happy.

Nike Free of charge Run+ 3 Shield Men's Running Shoe delivers a barefoot-like ride with the cushioning, traction and underfoot security of a shoe, while climate resistance aids hold feet dry in wet problems.Reflective Weather conditions ProtectionWeatherized mesh and reflectivity on the upper offer defense from the aspects and visibility in minimal light-weight. The mesh has a DWR (resilient, drinking water-repellant) end that aids maintain feet dry whilst maintaining breathability.http://nike-free-trainer.webs.com
FlexibilityDeeply articulated flex grooves alongside the length and width of the outsole improve adaptability for a a lot more all-natural stride. Diagonal cuts via the arch region include flexibility and aid increase foot strength.Supportive FitThe Dynamic Match technique is made up of 'fingers' of delicate substance that wrap the midfoot and arch, tailoring the shoe properly to your foot. A stretchy mesh interior sleeve with seamless overlays improves the supportive, glove-like in shape. And, for added support and ease and comfort, the molded sockliner mimics the foot's curvature.OriginsAfter learning that Stanford athletes had been instruction barefoot on the university's golf system, a few of Nike's most modern and inventive staff established out to create a shoe that felt normal and weightless, related to bare ft. In 2002, they examined a team of males and women with stress-measuring http://nike-lunar-eclipse.webs.com
taped to their feet, utilizing higher-velocity cameras to capture photographs of every foot in motion.The crew put in eight a long time studying the biomechanics of shoeless running. The results yielded a profound comprehending of the foot's organic landing angle, force and toe position, making it possible for Nike designers to construct an unconventional and adaptable operating shoe from the inside of out.

The profitable entrepreneurial thought and operation of the NIKE company is the critical case in point for the improvement and renewing of that of the business for sports activities.Nike, initially known as Blue Ribbon Athletics, was established by University of Oregon monitor athlete http://nike-free-run-2-mens.webs.com
Knight and his mentor Invoice Bowerman in January 1964. Now Nike has contracted with a lot more than seven hundred shops around the globe and has offices located in forty five nations around the world outside the house the United States.Whether or not you opt for normal pairs of nike free run sale sneakers or you go for the most costly footwear from this brand name, you are guaranteed of pure ease and comfort. Even the most common pair lessens the hard pressure of each downward affect although operating or going for walks. If your shoes do not have ample safety, the difficult influence that the toes is obtaining can lead to hurt. In order to prohibit even more damage to the toes of the athletes, http://nike-free-tr-fit.webs.com
has appear up with an revolutionary technique for toes cushioning. The makers of Nike footwear specifically designed footwear which cushions and offers utmost protection from the brutal effect of running.

When picking footwear for out of doors actions, make certain you take into account the climate and the specifications of the activity. Does the exercise get in touch with for added traction, far more air flow, more insulation or much more assistance? Previously mentioned all, decide a shoe that will maintain your feet relaxed. Choose the appropriate footwear now and enjoy your outside actions even far more.

There are hundreds of retailers from where you can get your own pair of Nike men's footwear. Even though these are presented at malls, you can also select to get your possess by means of on the web retailers. One of these stores located on the web is Nike Storm. This keep offers its customers with a greatest value than other outlets. When you are residing in Canada or the United States, the shipping and delivery of your purchase is carried out through http://nike-free-run-3-review.webs.com
Express. This shipment approach can be tracked on on-line backlinks. When you get from Nike Storm, the basic safety of your products is confirmed considering that all orders are delivered with the aid of monitoring. And Cost-free Shipping and delivery All the Solution!

1 of the prime-marketing Nike shoes of Nike Storm is Nike Operating Footwear. I located all the merchandise in this collection are lastest trend type,This is only offered for around http://nikefreewomen-01.webs.com
at the site!!and do not neglect cost-free transport all the goods. You can see at least 3 element product photographs for each and every. The web site also sells Nike Blazer footwear. There are numerous kinds from this line of Nike men's sneakers. And you can locate many stunning womens footwear. Some gorgeous and latest style about $fifty five!! The new design of the Nike Basketball sneakers is also supplied at the identical price tag. You can select from colors this sort of as purple, white, black, blue, yellow, and silver. Other than these, Nike Storm also gives http://best-womens-running-shoes.webs.com
nike free trhttp://nike-free-tr.webs.com
. All these sneakers are available in a variety of hues and types.

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مرسل: الخميس فبراير 28, 2013 12:27 pm
بواسطة #nike freeQ1b
Some people nevertheless argue that it is better not to use footwear for running. In reality, Zulu troopers ended up compelled to toughen their toes by stamping thorns into the ground. In this way they were in a position to obtain permanent pumps since the free running
of their toes were thick layers of cover that could have them in excess of rough ground without injuries or discomfort.

Close to 1832 the thought of sticking rubber alongside the bottom of shoes worn for tennis or croquet was considered up. On account of the simple fact that they have been silent they proved popular among thieves coming to be identified as sneakers, or at times plimsoles. These ended up also employed for jogging and a lot of athletes completed ultra marathons of eighty kilometres in plimsoles as just lately as the nike 5.0

Nazi Germany hosted the Olympic online games in 1936, and it was a man referred to as Adolf Dassler who designed special gear for the function, initiating what was to turn into a massive market. Right after the War Dassler located himself limited of footwear resources and utilized scraps of canvas and leather collected from military waste. He set three strips of leather-based throughout the tops of uppers to include power and help.

In peace time, soon after the War, men and women started to discover approaches to preserve them selves energetic and keep away from the worst consequences of more than ingesting and consuming. The entertaining operate turned a social exercise, and jogging turned almost an obsession in some people. All this led to boom occasions for footwear. Rows of containers waited in retail merchants to be bought, and ships laden with cheaply made items plied the oceans from East to West. If you are like me and you battle with arch assistance like me, nike free trainer
Free Operate will be fantastic and you should not miss out on it for your feet. If you want to hold working and hope that you can create a miracle, you can't dismiss Nike Totally free Run In addition sneakers. Nike Free Operate In addition provides improved fit, cushioning and a cosy for your ft. It is even much more adaptable and supportive.

I am not a nike 5.0
. Not but anyway. When I discover one thing I like, I normally stick with it and really do not vary significantly. I have a handful of preferred running routes that Ia??ve returned to hundreds a?? probably hundreds a?? of moments, but I proceed seeking ahead to heading to the common trail for an additional lap. When I commenced running, I was match with the Nike Pegasus thanks to my neutral stride and need for further cushion. The sneakers labored well for me, and I have purchased dozens of pairs given that, making an attempt other types on only a handful of isolated occasions. I even run the Pikes Peak Marathon in the Pegasus, despite unfastened path and bruising boulders. All this to say, I was relatively skeptical about striving new footwear.
When the Nike Free Run+ 3 confirmed up at my doorway, I opened the box and slipped them on. They turned out to be so cozy, I found myself seeking to put on them all the time. My first run in the Free of charge was a early morning hill repea Mens Nike Free 3.0 V2 Red Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-20.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black Green Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-73.html
t session (on 15% quality asphalt). I was immediately impressed that my foot showed nominal movement (likely either up or down) within the shoe and seemed to be easily locked in spot. The Nike Cost-free Operate+ three transferred my vitality directly to the road. I loved my very first run so considerably that I determined to do an easy afternoon run as properly. This led to my 1st disappointment. I seen small Achilles soreness following the second operate of the day (anything I really don't typically expertise). Upon reflection, Ia??m certain my Pegasus-loving legs werena??Mens Nike Free Run Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-159.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Blue Sky White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-71.html
t completely ready for so a lot time in these minimalist shoes.
As soon as I discovered to ease into the sneakers more slowly, I located only benefits. On another operate, I decided to set their slipper-like come to feel to the check: a sans-socks operate in a hundred and five diploma temperature. I assumed this would reveal the hot spots that have to be hiding within the sew-free of charge upper. Following a variety of hot, Phylite-melting miles, I eliminated my sweaty ft and was surprised to find not even the slightest rub mark. Ia http://nikeshoesonline.blogshells.com/
Womens Nike Free 5.0 V4 Blue Grey White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-234.html
Mens Nike Free Run Size 11 Blue Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-175.html
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??m sold. Ia??ll be adding the Nike Totally free Run+ 3 to at minimum one particular of my weekly speed workout routines, and I will don them at my next nearby 5K. Probably Ia??ll start off searching for some new managing routes as well.

Unlike most running shoes, the Nike Totally free Operate+ 3 is built of only a midsole (the cushion portion) and lacks an outsole (the a lot more dense and tough part). Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black White Blue Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-59.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 V3 Blue Red Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-35.html
Womens Nike Free 5.0 V4 Grey White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-221.html
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Mens Nike Free Run 3 Grey Sport Red Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-147.html
??s Phylite material fills each of these roles by currently being resilient adequate for cushion, but durable sufficient to contact the street, resulting in diminished bodyweight. Designers have placed abrasion-resistant BRS 1000 carbon rubber pads on the high-wear areas of the sole to further boost longevity. An additional striking variation in the Nike Free of charge Run+ 3 sole device is the cuts, or sipes, via the sole that give the shoe amazing overall flexibility and ample balance to supply a barefoot-like feel. The ensuing flex grooves reduce impact shock and can help right in excess of-pronation. Diagonal cuts have also been put alongside the arch area to enhance flexibility and enhance foot power. The Nike Cost-free Operate+ 3 is outfitted with an opening in the midsole to maintain a Nike Additionally Chip, which can hyperlink to specific iProducts and the Nike sportwatch to transmit and store working knowledge. The opening does not show up to affect the versatility.

This is the portion of a working shoe the place I would most love to have a barefoot-like truly feel. I like some security on the sole of my foot, but really don't want to really feel the higher digging in wherever. The Nike Free of charge Run+ three higher is safe enough to keep the foot locked in place, but stretchy and seamless sufficient to give an extremely relaxed feel. The upper is made of Nanoply, which is each supportive and breathable. About the arch and midfoot, Dynamic Match is employed to develop an internal sleeve that supplies a glove-like match. Asymmetrical lacing is also utilized to link the foot to the shoe, but enable for pressure reduction on the prime ridge of the foot. All of which direct to a notably unnoticeable fit.

As described previously mentioned, I was skeptical about attempting running sneakers other than my favourite Nike Pegasus nonetheless, right after logging some miles in the Nike Free of charge Operate+3a??s I was confident that they could locate a place in my closet for numerous operates to occur. The shoe is light-weight, versatile, and relaxed. These characteristics all led to a fantastic managing experience that left me wanting to depart the shoes on for the rest of the working day. I want I could wear the Nike Free Run+3a??s on my local trails also, but they are not suited for working on even the most groomed gravel trails a?? as they will select up quite a few rocks in the siped soles. Put on them on the observe or pavement and you will be happy.

Nike Totally free Operate+ three Shield Men's Managing Shoe delivers a barefoot-like trip with the cushioning, traction and underfoot protection of a shoe, even though weather conditions resistance assists hold feet dry in moist conditions.Reflective Weather conditions ProtectionWeatherized mesh and reflectivity on the upper provide safety from the aspects and visibility in low gentle. The mesh has a DWR (sturdy, h2o-repellant) end that will help maintain feet dry even though maintaining breathability.http://nike-free-3-0-v3.webs.com
FlexibilityDeeply articulated flex grooves together the duration and width of the outsole increase overall flexibility for a far more natural stride. Diagonal cuts by way of the arch region insert overall flexibility and support increase foot energy.Supportive FitThe Dynamic Suit method is produced up of 'fingers' of soft substance that wrap the midfoot and arch, tailoring the shoe perfectly to your foot. A stretchy mesh interior sleeve with seamless overlays boosts the supportive, glove-like in shape. And, for included help and comfort, the molded sockliner mimics the foot's curvature.OriginsAfter studying that Stanford athletes had been instruction barefoot on the university's golfing course, 3 of Nike's most revolutionary and imaginative employees set out to develop a shoe that felt normal and weightless, related to bare ft. In 2002, they examined a group of men and girls with pressure-measuring http://nike-free-run-2-womens.webs.com
taped to their feet, utilizing large-pace cameras to capture images of every foot in motion.The crew invested eight years finding out the biomechanics of shoeless operating. The outcomes yielded a profound comprehending of the foot's natural landing angle, strain and toe placement, making it possible for Nike designers to develop an unconventional and flexible running shoe from the within out.

The profitable entrepreneurial notion and procedure of the NIKE business is the crucial illustration for the development and renewing of that of the industry for sporting activities.Nike, originally identified as Blue Ribbon Athletics, was established by University of Oregon track athlete http://nike-frees.webs.com
Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman in January 1964. Now Nike has contracted with much more than 700 shops all around the entire world and has workplaces situated in 45 nations around the world outside the house the United States.No matter whether you opt for regular pairs of nike totally free operate sale sneakers or you go for the most pricey footwear from this brand name, you are assured of pure comfort and ease. Even the most common pair lessens the tough power of each downward impact although running or walking. If your shoes do not have adequate safety, the difficult affect that the toes is getting can lead to harm. In order to prohibit additional injury to the feet of the athletes, http://best-womens-running-shoes.webs.com
has come up with an progressive technique for feet cushioning. The makers of Nike shoes specifically designed footwear which cushions and offers utmost security from the brutal impact of working.

When picking footwear for out of doors actions, make sure you take into account the climate and the specifications of the activity. Does the exercise phone for added traction, a lot more ventilation, far more insulation or far more assistance? Over all, select a shoe that will keep your toes comfortable. Pick the correct footwear now and get pleasure from your outside activities even far more.

There are hundreds of retailers from where you can get your own pair of Nike men's shoes. While these are presented at malls, you can also decide on to get your own by way of on the web merchants. One of these retailers situated on the world wide web is Nike Storm. This retailer gives its clients with a best value than other outlets. When you are residing within Canada or the United States, the delivery of your purchase is carried out through http://nike-free-trainer.webs.com
Specific. This shipment approach can be tracked on on-line back links. When you order from Nike Storm, the security of your merchandise is certain given that all orders are transported with the assist of monitoring. And Free Shipping All the Item!

One of the top-selling Nike footwear of Nike Storm is Nike Working Shoes. I located all the merchandise in this series are lastest fashion fashion,This is only bought for around http://nike-shoes-for-women.webs.com
at the web site!!and do not overlook free of charge shipping all the merchandise. You can see at least 3 element product images for each and every. The website also sells Nike Blazer footwear. There are various sorts from this line of Nike men's shoes. And you can discover several stunning womens footwear. Some lovely and most recent fashion about $55!! The new layout of the Nike Basketball footwear is also supplied at the very same price. You can decide on from colors such as red, white, black, blue, yellow, and silver. Other than these, Nike Storm also gives http://nike-5-0.webs.com
. All these footwear are accessible in different colors and types.

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مرسل: الخميس فبراير 28, 2013 12:39 pm
بواسطة #nike freeV4P
Some individuals still argue that it is greater not to put on shoes for operating. In simple fact, Zulu soldiers ended up pressured to toughen their toes by stamping thorns into the floor. In this way they were in a position to purchase permanent pumps since the nike 5.0
of their toes had been thick layers of disguise that could have them in excess of tough ground with out harm or pain.

All around 1832 the thought of sticking rubber along the base of footwear worn for tennis or croquet was considered up. On account of the reality that they ended up silent they proved well-known among thieves coming to be recognized as sneakers, or at times plimsoles. These have been also utilised for jogging and many athletes accomplished ultra marathons of eighty kilometres in plimsoles as just lately as the nike free 7.0

Nazi Germany hosted the Olympic online games in 1936, and it was a male known as Adolf Dassler who created specific equipment for the event, initiating what was to turn into a large business. Soon after the War Dassler located himself short of footwear supplies and utilised scraps of canvas and leather-based gathered from military waste. He place three strips of leather-based throughout the tops of uppers to add energy and support.

In peace time, after the War, men and women started to find ways to preserve by themselves lively and steer clear of the worst outcomes of in excess of eating and ingesting. The exciting operate grew to become a social action, and jogging turned almost an obsession in some folks. All this led to growth occasions for footwear. Rows of packing containers waited in retail stores to be marketed, and ships laden with cheaply made merchandise plied the oceans from East to West. If you are like me and you struggle with arch assistance like me, nike free 5.0 v4
Cost-free Run will be great and you should not overlook it for your feet. If you want to hold operating and hope that you can create a wonder, you can not ignore Nike Cost-free Operate Plus footwear. Nike Cost-free Operate In addition gives improved suit, cushioning and a snug for your feet. It is even more flexible and supportive.

I am not a nike free run 3
. Not nevertheless in any case. When I uncover one thing I like, I typically stick with it and really do not fluctuate much. I have a handful of preferred running routes that I have returned to hundreds a?? perhaps thousands a?? of instances, but I proceed looking forward to heading to the common path for one more lap. When I began managing, I was match with the Nike Pegasus because of to my neutral stride and desire for further cushion. The footwear labored effectively for me, and Ia??ve bought dozens of pairs because, attempting other models on only a few isolated instances. I even operate the Pikes Peak Marathon in the Pegasus, even with unfastened trail and bruising boulders. All this to say, I was fairly skeptical about attempting new sneakers.
When the Nike Free of charge Operate+ 3 confirmed up at my doorway, I opened the box and slipped them on. They turned out to be so comfy, I discovered myself seeking to use them all the time. My first operate in the Free of charge was a early morning hill repea Womens Nike Free Run 2 Pink Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-268.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 Red Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... s-p-5.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 V2 Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-12.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 V3 Red Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-42.html
t session (on 15% quality asphalt). I was instantly impressed that my foot confirmed nominal motion (heading possibly up or down) within the shoe and seemed to be easily locked in area. The Nike Free Operate+ three transferred my vitality straight to the highway. I liked my 1st operate so much that I made a decision to do an straightforward afternoon operate as nicely. This led to my 1st disappointment. I seen slight Achilles discomfort pursuing the next operate of the day (anything I really do not normally experience). Upon reflection, Ia??m certain my Pegasus-loving legs werena??Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black Gray Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-68.html
Womens Nike Free 5.0 V4 Black Blue White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-225.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 V3 Orange Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-40.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Size 11 Light Grey Red Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-106.html
t prepared for so much time in these minimalist sneakers.
As soon as I learned to ease into the sneakers a lot more progressively, I located only advantages. On one more operate, I decided to place their slipper-like truly feel to the check: a sans-socks operate in a hundred and five degree weather. I assumed this would expose the scorching spots that need to be hiding inside of the sew-free upper. Right after a number of very hot, Phylite-melting miles, I taken off my sweaty ft and was shocked to locate not even the slightest rub mark. Ia http://niketennisshoes.blogshells.com/
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Grey Orange Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-88.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Green White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-84.html
??m bought. Ia??ll be incorporating the Nike Cost-free Operate+ 3 to at least 1 of my weekly speed workouts, and I will don them at my following neighborhood 5K. Possibly Ia??ll commence searching for some new running routes as well.

In contrast to most working sneakers, the Nike Cost-free Run+ three is constructed of only a midsole (the cushion portion) and lacks an outsole (the more dense and durable portion). Womens Nike Free Run 3 Navy Blue Orange Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-280.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 Red Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... s-p-5.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black Red Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-79.html
??s Phylite content fills the two of these roles by becoming resilient ample for cushion, but tough ample to get in touch with the highway, ensuing in diminished fat. Designers have placed abrasion-resistant BRS one thousand carbon rubber pads on the high-dress in places of the sole to additional boost longevity. An additional putting variation in the Nike Cost-free Operate+ 3 sole unit is the cuts, or sipes, by way of the sole that give the shoe incredible flexibility and ample stability to offer a barefoot-like come to feel. The ensuing flex grooves minimize influence shock and can aid proper in excess of-pronation. Diagonal cuts have also been positioned along the arch spot to improve flexibility and boost foot power. The Nike Cost-free Run+ three is equipped with an opening in the midsole to hold a Nike Additionally Chip, which can website link to specified iProducts and the Nike sportwatch to transmit and retailer working information. The opening doesna??t appear to affect the flexibility.

This is the part of a running shoe the place I would most love to have a barefoot-like feel. I like some security on the sole of my foot, but really do not want to truly feel the upper digging in anywhere. The Nike Cost-free Run+ three upper is safe sufficient to maintain the foot locked in place, but stretchy and seamless enough to give an extremely relaxed feel. The higher is manufactured of Nanoply, which is each supportive and breathable. Close to the arch and midfoot, Dynamic Match is used to develop an inner sleeve that gives a glove-like fit. Asymmetrical lacing is also used to url the foot to the shoe, yet allow for force relief on the top ridge of the foot. All of which direct to a notably unnoticeable in shape.

As described over, I was skeptical about making an attempt managing shoes other than my favored Nike Pegasus however, following logging some miles in the Nike Free Operate+3a??s I was certain that they could find a location in my closet for many operates to appear. The shoe is light-weight, adaptable, and comfy. These attributes all led to a fantastic working knowledge that still left me seeking to depart the shoes on for the relaxation of the day. I would like I could dress in the Nike Free of charge Run+3a??s on my regional trails way too, but they are not suited for managing on even the most groomed gravel trails a?? as they will select up quite a few rocks in the siped soles. Dress in them on the observe or pavement and you will be delighted.

Nike Cost-free Operate+ 3 Shield Men's Managing Shoe provides a barefoot-like trip with the cushioning, traction and underfoot safety of a shoe, although weather conditions resistance assists preserve toes dry in moist problems.Reflective Weather conditions ProtectionWeatherized mesh and reflectivity on the upper offer you defense from the aspects and visibility in low gentle. The mesh has a DWR (resilient, h2o-repellant) complete that helps preserve ft dry although keeping breathability.http://free-running-shoes.webs.com
FlexibilityDeeply articulated flex grooves together the length and width of the outsole increase overall flexibility for a much more all-natural stride. Diagonal cuts by means of the arch area add versatility and support improve foot strength.Supportive FitThe Dynamic In shape method is produced up of 'fingers' of delicate materials that wrap the midfoot and arch, tailoring the shoe completely to your foot. A stretchy mesh inner sleeve with seamless overlays enhances the supportive, glove-like match. And, for added assist and comfort and ease, the molded sockliner mimics the foot's curvature.OriginsAfter understanding that Stanford athletes experienced been coaching barefoot on the university's golf training course, 3 of Nike's most progressive and imaginative workers set out to build a shoe that felt natural and weightless, comparable to bare ft. In 2002, they examined a group of men and women with strain-measuring http://nike-free-run-3-womens.webs.com
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taped to their ft, making use of large-speed cameras to capture photos of each and every foot in motion.The group invested 8 a long time studying the biomechanics of shoeless running. The benefits yielded a profound comprehension of the foot's organic landing angle, strain and toe position, allowing Nike designers to develop an unconventional and flexible operating shoe from the within out.

The successful entrepreneurial concept and procedure of the NIKE firm is the essential illustration for the advancement and renewing of that of the market for sports.Nike, at first known as Blue Ribbon Sports activities, was started by College of Oregon track athlete http://best-womens-running-shoes.webs.com
nike free 5.0 v4http://nike-free-5-0-v4.webs.com
Knight and his mentor Invoice Bowerman in January 1964. Now Nike has contracted with a lot more than seven hundred outlets about the entire world and has offices positioned in forty five countries outside the United States.Whether you choose for ordinary pairs of nike free of charge operate sale sneakers or you go for the most costly sneakers from this brand, you are certain of pure convenience. Even the most common pair lessens the hard power of every downward impact even though managing or strolling. If your footwear do not have enough defense, the challenging impact that the ft is acquiring can guide to injury. In get to prohibit more hurt to the ft of the athletes, http://nike-free-run-4.webs.com
has come up with an progressive program for toes cushioning. The makers of Nike shoes specifically created footwear which cushions and offers utmost security from the brutal effect of working.

When deciding on footwear for outside activities, make certain you take into account the local weather and the demands of the activity. Does the exercise get in touch with for extra traction, far more ventilation, more insulation or more assistance? Earlier mentioned all, choose a shoe that will maintain your feet relaxed. Choose the correct shoes now and enjoy your outside activities even far more.

There are hundreds of shops from exactly where you can purchase your own pair of Nike men's shoes. Even though these are supplied at malls, you can also select to get your personal through on the internet stores. One particular of these outlets found on the internet is Nike Storm. This store offers its clients with a ideal cost than other outlets. When you are residing within Canada or the United States, the shipping of your order is accomplished by means of http://nike-free-3-0-v3.webs.com
Specific. This shipment method can be tracked on on the internet links. When you order from Nike Storm, the security of your items is assured because all orders are transported with the help of monitoring. And Free Shipping and delivery All the Item!

One of the prime-promoting Nike shoes of Nike Storm is Nike Operating Sneakers. I located all the products in this sequence are lastest fashion design,This is only offered for all around http://nike-free-run-4.webs.com
at the site!!and do not fail to remember cost-free shipping and delivery all the products. You can see at least three element product images for every single. The web site also sells Nike Blazer shoes. There are various sorts from this line of Nike men's footwear. And you can find a lot of gorgeous womens footwear. Some gorgeous and newest design close to $fifty five!! The new design and style of the Nike Basketball sneakers is also presented at the exact same value. You can choose from shades this kind of as pink, white, black, blue, yellow, and silver. Other than these, Nike Storm also delivers http://cheap-nike-free.webs.com
. All these shoes are offered in a variety of hues and styles.

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مرسل: الخميس فبراير 28, 2013 12:40 pm
بواسطة #nike freeV4P
Some folks even now argue that it is far better not to dress in footwear for managing. In simple fact, Zulu soldiers have been compelled to toughen their toes by stamping thorns into the floor. In this way they had been capable to acquire long lasting pumps simply because the nike free 5.0 v4
of their toes were thick layers of conceal that could have them above rough ground without having damage or soreness.

About 1832 the notion of sticking rubber along the base of footwear worn for tennis or croquet was considered up. On account of the truth that they ended up silent they proved well-known between thieves coming to be acknowledged as sneakers, or sometimes plimsoles. These had been also utilized for jogging and many athletes completed ultra marathons of eighty kilometres in plimsoles as recently as the nike free 4.0
nineteen sixties.

Nazi Germany hosted the Olympic game titles in 1936, and it was a gentleman referred to as Adolf Dassler who developed specific equipment for the event, initiating what was to grow to be a large market. Following the War Dassler found himself short of footwear materials and employed scraps of canvas and leather gathered from army waste. He put a few strips of leather-based across the tops of uppers to incorporate energy and help.

In peace time, soon after the War, people began to find approaches to maintain themselves lively and stay away from the worst outcomes of in excess of consuming and ingesting. The exciting operate turned a social exercise, and jogging became nearly an obsession in some people. All this led to boom moments for footwear. Rows of boxes waited in retail shops to be marketed, and ships laden with cheaply manufactured items plied the oceans from East to West. If you are like me and you struggle with arch help like me, nike free 3
Totally free Run will be wonderful and you ought to not miss out on it for your ft. If you want to keep running and hope that you can create a miracle, you can not disregard Nike Free Run Plus shoes. Nike Cost-free Operate Plus offers enhanced fit, cushioning and a cosy for your ft. It is even more flexible and supportive.

I am not a nike free run 3
. Not nevertheless anyway. When I uncover one thing I like, I usually stick with it and do not fluctuate significantly. I have a handful of favorite managing routes that I have returned to hundreds a?? probably 1000's a?? of moments, but I continue looking forward to heading to the acquainted path for an additional lap. When I began running, I was match with the Nike Pegasus due to my neutral stride and desire for further cushion. The shoes labored well for me, and I have bought dozens of pairs because, trying other versions on only a few isolated occasions. I even operate the Pikes Peak Marathon in the Pegasus, despite free trail and bruising boulders. All this to say, I was fairly skeptical about attempting new shoes.
When the Nike Free Run+ 3 showed up at my doorway, I opened the box and slipped them on. They turned out to be so relaxed, I found myself seeking to use them all the time. My 1st operate in the Free of charge was a early morning hill repea http://wagdshg4554456.blog.com
Womens Nike Free Run Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-290.html
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Mens Nike Free 3.0 Green Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... s-p-1.html
t session (on 15% grade asphalt). I was immediately amazed that my foot confirmed minimum movement (going either up or down) inside of the shoe and seemed to be easily locked in spot. The Nike Free of charge Run+ three transferred my power directly to the road. I loved my very first run so much that I made the decision to do an effortless afternoon run as nicely. This led to my 1st disappointment. I observed small Achilles pain subsequent the second run of the working day (one thing I dona??t generally knowledge). Upon reflection, Ia??m sure my Pegasus-loving legs werena??http://www.nikedrifit.sitew.us/#nike_dri_fit.A
Womens Nike Free 3.0 V2 White Gray Green Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-204.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Black Gray Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-68.html
t all set for so a lot time in these minimalist footwear.
As soon as I uncovered to simplicity into the shoes much more gradually, I discovered only rewards. On another run, I decided to set their slipper-like truly feel to the take a look at: a sans-socks operate in one zero five diploma weather conditions. I assumed this would expose the sizzling places that must be hiding within the sew-cost-free higher. Following a number of sizzling, Phylite-melting miles, I removed my sweaty ft and was shocked to uncover not even the slightest rub mark. Ia http://nikedunkhigh.bcz.com/
Womens Nike Free Run 2 Navy Blue White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-262.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Size 11 Black Purple Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-97.html
??m marketed. Ia??ll be adding the Nike Free of charge Run+ 3 to at least one of my weekly speed routines, and I will don them at my following nearby 5K. Perhaps Ia??ll start off searching for some new working routes as well.

As opposed to most running shoes, the Nike Cost-free Operate+ 3 is made of only a midsole (the cushion portion) and lacks an outsole (the more dense and resilient portion). running sneakers
Mens Nike Free Run 3 Gray Jade Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-143.html
??s Phylite substance fills both of these roles by being resilient adequate for cushion, but resilient ample to contact the road, ensuing in lowered fat. Designers have positioned abrasion-resistant BRS 1000 carbon rubber pads on the large-dress in regions of the sole to even more enhance toughness. Yet another striking difference in the Nike Free of charge Operate+ three sole unit is the cuts, or sipes, via the sole that give the shoe amazing overall flexibility and ample steadiness to give a barefoot-like come to feel. The ensuing flex grooves lessen impact shock and can assist appropriate more than-pronation. Diagonal cuts have also been placed together the arch area to improve versatility and enhance foot power. The Nike Totally free Run+ three is geared up with an opening in the midsole to hold a Nike Additionally Chip, which can link to specified iProducts and the Nike sportwatch to transmit and keep working data. The opening does not seem to have an effect on the versatility.

This is the element of a managing shoe where I would most really like to have a barefoot-like really feel. I like some safety on the sole of my foot, but really do not want to feel the upper digging in anyplace. The Nike Totally free Run+ 3 higher is protected enough to keep the foot locked in area, but stretchy and seamless adequate to give an exceptionally comfy really feel. The upper is manufactured of Nanoply, which is equally supportive and breathable. Around the arch and midfoot, Dynamic Match is used to develop an interior sleeve that supplies a glove-like match. Asymmetrical lacing is also utilized to url the foot to the shoe, however enable for stress aid on the leading ridge of the foot. All of which direct to a notably unnoticeable match.

As talked about previously mentioned, I was skeptical about attempting operating sneakers other than my preferred Nike Pegasus however, following logging some miles in the Nike Free Run+3a??s I was confident that they could find a spot in my closet for numerous operates to come. The shoe is lightweight, versatile, and comfy. These characteristics all led to a wonderful managing knowledge that remaining me seeking to go away the shoes on for the rest of the day. I want I could wear the Nike Totally free Run+3a??s on my local trails also, but they arena??t suited for managing on even the most groomed gravel trails a?? as they will select up numerous rocks in the siped soles. Dress in them on the track or pavement and you will be delighted.

Nike Cost-free Operate+ 3 Defend Men's Managing Shoe delivers a barefoot-like trip with the cushioning, traction and underfoot protection of a shoe, although weather conditions resistance helps keep toes dry in wet circumstances.Reflective Weather ProtectionWeatherized mesh and reflectivity on the upper provide protection from the components and visibility in lower mild. The mesh has a DWR (durable, drinking water-repellant) finish that assists maintain ft dry while maintaining breathability.http://nike-free-trainer.webs.com
FlexibilityDeeply articulated flex grooves along the duration and width of the outsole enhance flexibility for a far more natural stride. Diagonal cuts by means of the arch location include versatility and aid improve foot energy.Supportive FitThe Dynamic Fit system is produced up of 'fingers' of comfortable content that wrap the midfoot and arch, tailoring the shoe flawlessly to your foot. A stretchy mesh inner sleeve with seamless overlays improves the supportive, glove-like fit. And, for extra assistance and comfort and ease, the molded sockliner mimics the foot's curvature.OriginsAfter learning that Stanford athletes had been coaching barefoot on the university's golfing training course, a few of Nike's most innovative and imaginative personnel established out to develop a shoe that felt organic and weightless, similar to bare ft. In 2002, they examined a group of men and girls with stress-measuring http://nike-free-trainer.webs.com
taped to their feet, making use of large-speed cameras to seize images of every single foot in motion.The crew expended 8 many years finding out the biomechanics of shoeless managing. The results yielded a profound comprehension of the foot's normal landing angle, pressure and toe place, permitting Nike designers to construct an unconventional and versatile working shoe from the inside out.

The successful entrepreneurial thought and procedure of the NIKE firm is the important example for the improvement and renewing of that of the sector for athletics.Nike, at first recognized as Blue Ribbon Sports, was founded by University of Oregon keep track of athlete nike free 5.0 v4http://nike-free-5-0-v4.webs.com
Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman in January 1964. Now Nike has contracted with far more than seven hundred outlets about the world and has offices located in 45 countries outside the house the United States.Whether or not you decide for common pairs of nike free run sale shoes or you go for the most costly shoes from this brand, you are assured of pure comfort. Even the most normal pair lessens the difficult force of every single downward effect even though managing or going for walks. If your sneakers do not have ample security, the hard affect that the feet is obtaining can guide to harm. In buy to prohibit even more damage to the toes of the athletes, http://nike-free-7-0.webs.com
has appear up with an modern system for feet cushioning. The makers of Nike sneakers specially made footwear which cushions and offers utmost security from the brutal effect of operating.

When selecting footwear for out of doors actions, make certain you think about the climate and the needs of the action. Does the action get in touch with for additional traction, far more air flow, a lot more insulation or more help? Above all, pick a shoe that will preserve your feet comfy. Pick the appropriate shoes now and enjoy your outdoor actions even a lot more.

There are hundreds of merchants from where you can buy your personal pair of Nike men's sneakers. Whilst these are provided at malls, you can also pick to get your possess by means of on-line retailers. One of these stores positioned on the web is Nike Storm. This store provides its buyers with a very best value than other shops. When you are residing within Canada or the United States, the shipping of your buy is completed through http://nike-free-trainer.webs.com
Convey. This shipment method can be tracked on online hyperlinks. When you purchase from Nike Storm, the safety of your merchandise is assured given that all orders are shipped with the assist of tracking. And Totally free Delivery All the Solution!

One of the prime-promoting Nike sneakers of Nike Storm is Nike Managing Shoes. I identified all the merchandise in this collection are lastest fashion type,This is only offered for around http://cheap-nike-free.webs.com
at the website!!and do not fail to remember free shipping and delivery all the items. You can see at minimum 3 element solution photographs for each and every. The site also sells Nike Blazer sneakers. There are a variety of types from this line of Nike men's shoes. And you can uncover many gorgeous womens shoes. Some stunning and latest design around $55!! The new layout of the Nike Basketball sneakers is also offered at the same value. You can choose from colors this sort of as crimson, white, black, blue, yellow, and silver. Other than these, Nike Storm also gives http://running-barefoot.webs.com
. All these footwear are obtainable in different colours and styles.

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مرسل: الخميس فبراير 28, 2013 12:41 pm
بواسطة #nike freeV4P
Some folks nevertheless argue that it is better not to wear shoes for managing. In truth, Zulu soldiers have been compelled to toughen their toes by stamping thorns into the floor. In this way they ended up able to obtain permanent pumps simply because the nike free run 2
of their toes ended up thick layers of conceal that could carry them more than rough ground with out injury or pain.

About 1832 the idea of sticking rubber along the base of sneakers worn for tennis or croquet was believed up. On account of the simple fact that they ended up silent they proved well-liked amid intruders coming to be recognized as sneakers, or often plimsoles. These have been also used for jogging and several athletes completed extremely marathons of eighty kilometres in plimsoles as just lately as the nike free run shoes

Nazi Germany hosted the Olympic video games in 1936, and it was a gentleman named Adolf Dassler who produced particular gear for the celebration, initiating what was to become a large sector. Soon after the War Dassler discovered himself short of footwear resources and employed scraps of canvas and leather-based collected from military waste. He place three strips of leather across the tops of uppers to include power and assistance.

In peace time, soon after the War, people commenced to find ways to keep by themselves active and keep away from the worst effects of over taking in and consuming. The enjoyable operate grew to become a social action, and jogging became nearly an obsession in some people. All this led to boom times for footwear. Rows of boxes waited in retail merchants to be sold, and ships laden with cheaply created items plied the oceans from East to West. If you are like me and you battle with arch assist like me, nike free runners
Free Run will be excellent and you ought to not skip it for your toes. If you want to hold running and hope that you can create a miracle, you can not overlook Nike Free Run In addition sneakers. Nike Cost-free Run In addition delivers enhanced match, cushioning and a comfortable for your toes. It is even much more flexible and supportive.

I am not a free running games
. Not nevertheless anyway. When I uncover something I like, I normally adhere with it and really don't differ considerably. I have a handful of favored managing routes that Ia??ve returned to hundreds a?? maybe 1000's a?? of times, but I carry on hunting forward to heading to the familiar trail for another lap. When I commenced managing, I was in shape with the Nike Pegasus owing to my neutral stride and wish for added cushion. The sneakers worked well for me, and Ia??ve acquired dozens of pairs since, trying other designs on only a couple of isolated situations. I even operate the Pikes Peak Marathon in the Pegasus, regardless of unfastened trail and bruising boulders. All this to say, I was considerably skeptical about making an attempt new shoes.
When the Nike Free Operate+ three showed up at my door, I opened the box and slipped them on. They turned out to be so comfortable, I identified myself wanting to put on them all the time. My initial operate in the Free was a early morning hill repea http://teddybearprice.bloggspace.se/
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Size 11 Grey Green Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-107.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Blue Sky White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-71.html
Mens Nike Free Run Black Yellow Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-161.html
t session (on 15% quality asphalt). I was right away amazed that my foot confirmed small movement (likely either up or down) in the shoe and appeared to be easily locked in spot. The Nike Free of charge Operate+ 3 transferred my strength immediately to the highway. I loved my very first run so considerably that I made a decision to do an straightforward afternoon run as well. This led to my initial disappointment. I noticed small Achilles discomfort subsequent the second run of the day (one thing I really do not generally knowledge). On reflection, Ia??m confident my Pegasus-loving legs werena??http://nikeplus.overblog.com/
Womens Nike Free Run 2 Grey Blue White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-261.html
Mens Nike Free Run 3 Red Grey Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-153.html
Mens Nike Free Run 2 Size 12 Red White Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... p-136.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 V3 Blue Red Black White Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-35.html
t ready for so much time in these minimalist footwear.
When I learned to simplicity into the sneakers more gradually, I identified only advantages. On yet another run, I made a decision to put their slipper-like truly feel to the take a look at: a sans-socks run in 105 diploma climate. I assumed this would reveal the hot spots that must be hiding inside the sew-totally free upper. Soon after a quantity of scorching, Phylite-melting miles, I taken off my sweaty feet and was stunned to locate not even the slightest rub mark. Ia http://adidasjeremycottuk.bloguez.com/
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??m sold. Ia??ll be adding the Nike Totally free Run+ three to at least one particular of my weekly speed workouts, and I will don them at my following neighborhood 5K. Probably Ia??ll commence hunting for some new working routes also.

As opposed to most working sneakers, the Nike Free of charge Operate+ 3 is made of only a midsole (the cushion portion) and lacks an outsole (the much more dense and sturdy portion). Womens Nike Free 3.0 V2 Dark Gray Orange Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-189.html
Womens Nike Free Run 2 Gray Blue Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/womens-nike ... p-257.html
Mens Nike Free 3.0 V3 Grey Black Running Shoes, http://www.nikefree30v2.biz/mens-nike-f ... -p-24.html
??s Phylite materials fills the two of these roles by becoming resilient enough for cushion, but durable adequate to make contact with the street, ensuing in lowered bodyweight. Designers have positioned abrasion-resistant BRS one thousand carbon rubber pads on the large-use locations of the sole to additional boost toughness. Yet another putting variation in the Nike Cost-free Run+ 3 sole device is the cuts, or sipes, by way of the sole that give the shoe outstanding overall flexibility and enough balance to give a barefoot-like really feel. The resulting flex grooves minimize affect shock and can aid proper more than-pronation. Diagonal cuts have also been placed together the arch area to enhance adaptability and increase foot power. The Nike Free of charge Run+ three is equipped with an opening in the midsole to keep a Nike Furthermore Chip, which can link to particular iProducts and the Nike sportwatch to transmit and keep operating knowledge. The opening does not appear to affect the versatility.

This is the element of a working shoe the place I would most enjoy to have a barefoot-like really feel. I like some security on the sole of my foot, but dona??t want to truly feel the higher digging in anyplace. The Nike Cost-free Run+ three higher is protected sufficient to keep the foot locked in location, but stretchy and seamless ample to give an incredibly comfortable feel. The upper is produced of Nanoply, which is equally supportive and breathable. All around the arch and midfoot, Dynamic Fit is utilized to generate an interior sleeve that provides a glove-like match. Asymmetrical lacing is also utilised to hyperlink the foot to the shoe, yet enable for pressure aid on the prime ridge of the foot. All of which direct to a notably unnoticeable match.

As talked about above, I was skeptical about trying managing footwear other than my favourite Nike Pegasus nevertheless, following logging some miles in the Nike Totally free Run+3a??s I was persuaded that they could uncover a location in my closet for several runs to occur. The shoe is light-weight, flexible, and comfortable. These qualities all led to a great operating knowledge that still left me wanting to leave the sneakers on for the relaxation of the day. I desire I could put on the Nike Totally free Run+3a??s on my nearby trails way too, but they are not suited for running on even the most groomed gravel trails a?? as they will decide up quite a few rocks in the siped soles. Use them on the observe or pavement and you will be happy.

Nike Totally free Operate+ three Shield Men's Working Shoe delivers a barefoot-like experience with the cushioning, traction and underfoot defense of a shoe, even though temperature resistance will help hold feet dry in damp situations.Reflective Weather conditions ProtectionWeatherized mesh and reflectivity on the higher provide security from the elements and visibility in lower mild. The mesh has a DWR (durable, water-repellant) complete that aids hold toes dry although maintaining breathability.http://nike-free-run-3-womens.webs.com
FlexibilityDeeply articulated flex grooves along the length and width of the outsole improve flexibility for a much more normal stride. Diagonal cuts by means of the arch location insert adaptability and assist increase foot strength.Supportive FitThe Dynamic Fit technique is created up of 'fingers' of comfortable content that wrap the midfoot and arch, tailoring the shoe completely to your foot. A stretchy mesh inner sleeve with seamless overlays boosts the supportive, glove-like match. And, for additional assist and convenience, the molded sockliner mimics the foot's curvature.OriginsAfter learning that Stanford athletes experienced been instruction barefoot on the university's golfing training course, three of Nike's most progressive and imaginative employees set out to build a shoe that felt all-natural and weightless, equivalent to bare ft. In 2002, they examined a team of men and girls with force-measuring http://best-womens-running-shoes.webs.com
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taped to their feet, making use of substantial-speed cameras to seize images of every single foot in motion.The staff spent eight a long time studying the biomechanics of shoeless running. The outcomes yielded a profound comprehension of the foot's normal landing angle, stress and toe situation, allowing Nike designers to construct an unconventional and versatile operating shoe from the within out.

The profitable entrepreneurial concept and operation of the NIKE organization is the essential illustration for the improvement and renewing of that of the business for sports.Nike, at first identified as Blue Ribbon Sporting activities, was launched by University of Oregon track athlete http://nike-free-7-0.webs.com
Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman in January 1964. Now Nike has contracted with more than seven hundred outlets all around the entire world and has places of work situated in forty five international locations outside the house the United States.Regardless of whether you choose for ordinary pairs of nike free run sale footwear or you go for the most pricey sneakers from this brand, you are assured of pure ease and comfort. Even the most normal pair lessens the difficult drive of every downward effect although running or strolling. If your shoes do not have enough defense, the challenging effect that the toes is receiving can direct to damage. In order to prohibit more damage to the ft of the athletes, http://running-shoe.webs.com
has occur up with an revolutionary system for feet cushioning. The makers of Nike sneakers specially made footwear which cushions and provides utmost security from the brutal effect of running.

When picking footwear for out of doors activities, make certain you consider the local climate and the specifications of the action. Does the exercise phone for extra traction, more ventilation, a lot more insulation or far more help? Over all, choose a shoe that will preserve your ft relaxed. Pick the proper footwear now and enjoy your outdoor activities even much more.

There are hundreds of merchants from the place you can get your own pair of Nike men's sneakers. Whilst these are supplied at malls, you can also decide on to get your possess by means of on the web merchants. A single of these outlets situated on the internet is Nike Storm. This shop supplies its clients with a ideal value than other shops. When you are residing within Canada or the United States, the shipping and delivery of your buy is done by means of http://minimalist-running.webs.com
Convey. This cargo process can be tracked on on the internet back links. When you buy from Nike Storm, the basic safety of your items is assured because all orders are transported with the aid of tracking. And Free of charge Delivery All the Solution!

A single of the best-promoting Nike sneakers of Nike Storm is Nike Operating Sneakers. I located all the products in this series are lastest style design,This is only bought for all around http://nike-lunar-eclipse.webs.com
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at the internet site!!and do not neglect free of charge shipping and delivery all the merchandise. You can see at minimum three detail merchandise photos for every. The site also sells Nike Blazer sneakers. There are different types from this line of Nike men's sneakers. And you can uncover several stunning womens shoes. Some lovely and most recent fashion around $55!! The new layout of the Nike Basketball footwear is also supplied at the same price tag. You can choose from colors this kind of as crimson, white, black, blue, yellow, and silver. Other than these, Nike Storm also gives http://free-running-shoes.webs.com
. All these sneakers are available in various shades and styles.

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مرسل: الثلاثاء مارس 19, 2013 12:37 am
بواسطة #nike freeV4P
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styles. abreast from their contempo abundance and the combination accession of a acclimatized chargeless sole, we acceptna??t apparent also plentiful crossover amid these two legendary ababoriginal a??90s architectures, but this atramentous, Red amber and Scarlet blaze yield on the Nike Huarache chargeless 2012 is absolutely agnate to the B-ball adaptation with Cheap Sale Lightgray Orange Nike Free Run + http://www.cheapfreerunwomens.com/cheap ... p-181.html
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